Life is a inner journey.
「逆旅 innerjourneys.space」是一家综合型旅游公司,成立于2015年,行业内首创「剧本式旅行」,致力于为旅行者提供各类主题旅行。逆旅主营业务包含:国际机票酒店民宿预订、境外各国旅行团、医疗旅行、主题定制私人包团以及代办各类签证等。客户覆盖留学生及家长、中国出境游客、商务交流团等。公司办公区覆盖:中国-上海、美国-纽约、硅谷。2018年,逆旅上榜福布斯30U30旅游板块企业榜单、AACYF30U30全美华裔精英企业榜单。
「Inner Journeys」is an boutique online travel agency and lifestyle media platform, committed to the world's most fascinating way of life and holiday experience. To provide exclusive global retreats for business networking, self-realization and soul-enhancement, we are attempting to build the world's most unique travel experience for customers and provide the leading fashion lifestyle. Till beginning of 2019, Inner Journeys have successfully arranged for thousands of customers oversea exclusive trips in 23 countries. The cooperators are spread all over the world more than 21 countries, such as Aiqiyi(Chinese Netflix), Evedeso Group, Bvlgari etc.